What is the passing score for SAA C02?
After you take an exam, be it any competitive or certifications, the anxiety of getting a passing score is always scary. But, these days, the evaluation and scaling of passing marks are not the same as in the past.
You do remember how straightforward it was to calculate passing scores in your academic days, right? Associating grades with percentages was also simple. But now, where total marks could be around 300 to 500 or even 800, calculating the correct number of questions to be answered in the exam is not that easy.
The trick used in the evaluation of passing scores in such high-scoring examinations is the scaled score. The evaluation technique of the scaled score is not the same as that of the raw score. That is the reason why schools do not implement scaled scoring. You can see the type of scaled scoring in colleges and other higher education examinations. The same procedures are applied in the AWS Certification examination.
Talking about the AWS Certification exams, you would by now know that AWS cloud computing services are indeed so much in demand in the current scenario. Seeing such high demand, AWS (Amazon Web Services) has also expanded its cloud services by a lot. The surge of AWS cloud services and cloud computing skills has become a basic essential skill even in companies and other startups.
AWS cloud computing has created a new scope for career professionals and an idea for businesses. Hence, when you browse on the web for AWS services, you can see a lot of websites offering AWS certifications resources. Suppose you are interested in learning a new cloud computing skill. In that case, you can enroll yourself in one reliable AWS certification resource provider such as SPOTO. You can then choose any service or more like the AWS Solutions Architect or AWS Storage Solutions, AWS Blockchain Services, or any other. You can now start preparing for its examination, let’s say the AWS SAA C02 exam. To make sure that you crack the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam, you can prepare yourself by taking practice tests by reviewing the saa-c02 dumps available in SPOTO. I assure you, you will get the passing score in one go.
AWS Solutions Architect
Since we are already discussing the AWS Solutions Architect, let me tell you, it is one of the most sought-after cloud computing services offered by Amazon and preferred by AWS candidates. The number of candidates taking the AWS SAA C02 examinations is always in lots. But getting a passing score is not easy because it is the entry-level examination to become an AWS Solutions Architect professional.
Becoming an AWS Solutions Architect means you will be handling the most critical elements of the AWS cloud. Ranging from minimizing infrastructure costs to balancing the performance and scalability of the applications. Thus, the AWS Solutions Architect certification exam is considered a high-level exam.
Only when you pass the SAA C02 exam, i.e., the AWS Solutions Architect – Associate level certification exam, will you be able to become an AWS Solutions Architect. Speaking of the AWS SAA C02 examination, there are a few things that you must know.
- The total score for the AWS SAA C02 examinations is about 1000 marks. Out of that, the minimum passing score that you need to pass is 720 marks. However, the difficulty level of the said exam is not the same every time, so the experience is different for varied candidates. Since the AWS SAA C02 applies statistical analysis to evaluate the questions, passing marks may vary.
- Percentage-wise, the passing scores would be around 65% to 75%.
- The duration of the SAA C02 exam is about 130 minutes for a total of 65 questions. And the exam questions pattern usually consists of two types: multiple responses and another is multiple choice.
- There are two levels concerning the AWS Solutions Architect examinations, i.e., the Associate level certification exam and the Professional level certification exam.
- Also, you are free to choose the examination language you prefer. Apart from English, many different languages such as Korean, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese are also available.
- The AWS SAA C02 examination marks have a validity of up to 3 years.
- As for the marking pattern of the SAA C02 exam, you will be happy to know that there are no negative markings. If you leave any questions unanswered, as per analysis, those will be considered incorrect answers.
Speaking of AWS Certification examinations passing scores, it is different for different levels of exams. As such, for the AWS Foundational level exam, the passing score is 700 marks. For the AWS Associate-level exam, it is 720 marks. And, for the AWS Professional and Specialty level exams, the passing score is at 750 marks.
Nonetheless, the analysis of the passing score of AWS SAA C02 is very fair.
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