Sixteen year old, Tanya Garg from Bangalore, Karnataka has just completed her 10th exams and has emerged as the winner of the 2nd runner up of “Panache Miss and Mr india 2021” on the first ever virtual beauty pageant. She has also won “Panache Miss Congeniality Title 2021”. This national level pageant was conducted by Panache academy, headed by Mrs. Khushnum Avari. It has been a dream come true for her and she is looking forward to achieve many more success.
The event held online from May 6th, 2021 to June 13th, 2021 due to the on-going pandemic situation, saw competition among the 40 contestants chosen for finale from all over India after the 5000 registrations received for the same. The event was judged by renowned panelists of judges. Among them were former cricketer Parthiv Patel, Tanmay Shrivastava, TV personality Arushi Chawla, Dr. Shyna Sunsara & Khushboo Sewak Sahu.
Interview with Tanya Garg
How are you feeling?
I feel ecstatic on my journey to the first ever virtual beauty pageant conducted online across India, says Tanya. My journey with Panache has shown me a door through which success will reign throughout. It is remarkable how such a small step can indeed prove to be a life changing opportunity. I am blessed to have such loving parents who have given their extensive support throughout the pageant. This pageant was not just enjoyable but also very informative as we had been exposed to grooming sessions that gave us training from makeup to hairstyling to rampwalk to hair and skin care to stress management and what not. I am grateful to everyone who has supported me with their love and support throughout the pageant which has rendered me big success.
What makes you different from the other participants?
Every participant is different and exquisite in their own ways. Trusting my instincts, the inner beauty of the soul, and the commitment towards our achievement, the respect and care we provide to others and most dominantly: self-confidence that I possess makes me unique and beautiful in my own way.
How does this award motivate you?
I believe this award will be a lifetime reminder for me to aid in various social causes prevailing in our society. This award motivates me to be an inspiration to the youth of the coming generation: It is extremely crucial to make good use of our time during this pandemic. Engaging ourselves in productive activities will prove to be fruitful in the coming future, benefit the society and raise the positive vibrations in the environment amidst the deadly COVID19 pandemic says Tanya.
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