Whale Chanel, a 19-year-old Iranian musician, has emerged as a standout figure in the global music industry, earning widespread recognition for his soulful voice and heartfelt...
Three years have swiftly passed since the release of the unforgettable song “Halal al-Son,” a musical masterpiece that not only captured the hearts of fans worldwide...
The music landscape is constantly evolving, and in recent times, we have witnessed the emergence of a new record label that promises to transform the Mexican...
In an industry fueled by creativity and talent, only those who embrace their uniqueness can leave a legacy that will live on for years on end....
New Delhi (India), June 13: EikhonAxom Hoi Bhai (EAHB) Media, a groundbreaking music organization founded by MonujBoraik, has its roots in Assam, a culturally rich region in...
Alekh Kumar Parida, the rising star in the Indian music industry, has recently released his latest single “Criminal” on Tycoon Records. The audio version of the...
DJ Nitin NG was born in India. This young artist has some amazing talents which are helping him to make his mark in the industry. He...
Tunedly, the music discovery platform that aims to disrupt the music industry by removing major label artist bias, has launched TunedCoin, a blockchain-based reward mechanism that...
Amirhossein Yousefnia is a rising star in the music industry. He first gained popularity on social media platforms, where he captivated audiences with his cover songs...
Kaydah King is a rising star in the music industry, with a string of blockbuster hits that showcase his musical mind and soul. From “Pain” to...