Renowned motivational speaker and esteemed orator at the World Religion Parliament, Sajan Shah, recently conducted a transformative session at Jamnagar Airport, Gujarat. This exclusive initiative, organized...
It all started with a dream. A dream to be fit and healthy. But this dream soon turned into an obsession, and then a full-blown lifestyle....
The best keynote speaker in USA, Brandon Gardner, along with speaking on a victim mentality and moral injury to law enforcement, has also aided people by...
Building your own speaking and coaching business is difficult, as there’s competition at every turn. Entrepreneurs need help starting their businesses, but it’s easy for aspiring...
When one has success in life and exceeds their own expectations, there are two options. They can either keep the secret of success to themselves and...
Laguerre is also a motivational speaker who has dedicated his life for bringing about positivity & a sense of belief in people. There are many in...