Satoshi Nakamoto, the legendary and mysterious creator of Bitcoin, has added another groundbreaking achievement to their digital legacy. Already the face behind one of the most...
Real-time live location sharing is possible with Apple’s Find My Friends, which is now incorporated into the Find My app. A similar feature that allows users...
WhatsApp Business has expanded to over 200 million monthly users over the past few years. This implies that a large number of businesses are messaging users,...
Currently getting close to the end of 2023, which has been a busy year for WhatsApp in terms of testing and releasing new features. Midway through...
Meta’s social network Threads is introducing tags, which function similarly to hashtags on other platforms but have some special extra features. To add a tag to...
On top of its Llama 2 big language model, Meta has launched a tool called Code Llama that it says can generate new code and debug human-written...
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, made the announcement of a new paid subscription service for Instagram and Facebook on Sunday that gives users a hallowed blue...
Meta has been on a long-term push with Messenger’s end-to-end encryption (E2EE) highlights, and it’s currently beginning to test E2EE informing with its Quest VR journey...
Mozilla, owner, and developer of the Firefox browser has attacked Facebook (presently Meta) many times throughout the years for the organization’s disastrous record on privacy and...
Billionaire tech investor and PayPal Co-founder Peter Thiel will step down from the board of Facebook owner Meta, the organization declared Monday. Peter Thiel, one of...