Eddie Aikau was a notorious Hawaiian surfer as renowned for his ability on huge waves as he was as a lifeguard who spared many lives from...
Today’s Google Doodle praises the finish of an era in Japan—truly—as the sun sets on the Heisei period, whose name means “achieving peace.” The country’s 247th...
On the event of the 131th anniversary of his birth, Google devoted this Friday a doodle to the Peruvian writer Abraham Valdelomar, one of the forgers...
St George’s Day is the annual celebration in England of the country’s patron saint, St George. It is celebrated on April 23, because that is the...
Tuesday denotes the 73rd birth anniversary of actress Rosy Afsari, popularly known as Rosy Samad. So as to pay tribute to the notable Bangla film actor,...
Celebrating the Earth Day on Monday, Google created the ultimate Doodle that admires Mother Nature’s beauty. Google doodle highlighted an intuitive slideshow of six organisms crosswise...
Google today added Doodle Turkish writer Duygu Asena . Google Doodle celebrates Duygu Asena’s 73rd birthday. People who see Doodle are searching for the answer to...
Google by and by perceived the progressing mega poll exercise in India with a doodle that highlighted an inked finger, which when clicked led clients to...
Through Google Doodle, Google Inc. gives a unique gimmick for the 2019 election. Today’s Google doodle has the theme of the 2019 Concurrent Election explicitly made...
A couple days amid every week, people will see that Google.com’s standard multi-colored word-based logo has been supplanted by an artistic, here and there kinetic scene...