The entertainment industry has been through a significant evolution. Technology has been a substantial factor in this transformation. Sound in films gave an immersive experience that...
As soon as an upcoming movie is announced, we quickly google its cast, and if there’s a new one, our interest is piqued, right? The constant...
The two have come together, and now the industry is really going to take a change. Have you ever watched a top budget Hollywood film where...
As a Youngster, it is always difficult to be focused enough to work for your passion, given the distractions of teen life. Introducing Syamsaein who is...
On his journey as an actor, Saif hopes to stumble upon the ordinary stories of ordinary people and also have the opportunity to deliver an extraordinary...
Undoubtedly, the entertainment industry has grown bigger over the years. With a lot of growing talents added to the existing stars present, we are not ready...
Cody Patrick has been connecting the dots for many different creatives in the entertainment industry. Cody Patrick is not a new face in the entertainment industry....
Yatin Kukreja, Delhi based young talent is praised to be The New Generation Producer in the Indian Entertainment Industry. Today due to COVID- 19, the world...
WHO IS ARYAAN ARORA: Aryaan Arora is an American born actor and singer from Mahwah, New Jersey. He produces music, and is a multi-instrumentalist who plays...
The Covid-19 coronavirus flare-up, which was first recognized in China in December 2019, has had clearing impacts in the public health, business, and travel sectors, among...