Google animated Doodle celebrates King’s Day, a Dutch holiday that honors the rich cultural heritage of the Netherlands, on April 23, 2023. The night before, as...
Search engine giant Google launched a Google Doodle on April 24, 2023, to celebrate the 85th birthday of Polish artist photographer Zofia Nasierowska. Here are some...
Search engine giant Google launched a Google Doodle on April 8, 2023, to commemorate José Álvares de Azevedo’s 189th birthday. He was the first blind Brazilian...
Google Doodle was released on March 31, 2023, to commemorate the 106th birthday of Juntree Siriboonrod (จันตรี ศิริบุญรอด), a Thai novelist who is referred to as...
Search engine giant Google launched a Google Doodle on March 29, 2023, to celebrate the 71st birthday of Brazilian actor, comedian, dancer, and drag queen Jorge...
Search engine giant Google launched a Google Doodle on March 29, 2023, to celebrate Raden Ayu Lasminingrat’s 169th birthday. Lasminingrat was a pioneer in the advancement...
Search engine giant Google launched a Google Doodle to celebrate the 77th birthday of Kitty Linn O’Neil, an American stuntwoman and racer who was dubbed “the...