Five years ago, a small, ambitious company named inGen Dynamics embarked on a journey to elevate human capabilities using advanced artificial intelligence and robotics. Today, they...
There’s no denying that artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we live. And eating healthy is no exception. A new company called GYOO (Grow Your...
If you are a science fanatic and modern technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) excite you, watching movies such as The Terminator or reading novels like...
Elon Musk has made a new organization dedicated to artificial intelligence — and it’s called X.AI Corp. Musk is listed as the company’s director, and Jared...
Andreas Braun, CTO of Microsoft Germany, confirmed that GPT-4 will be multimodal and arrive within a week of March 9, 2023. Multimodal AI implies that working...
Following her growing success in the protection business company in England, Shahame Dizaei mentioned the addition of artificial intelligence to her business and announced the impending...
ChatGPT’s recent popularity surge has been meteoric, to put it mildly. Even though the chatbot itself does not consider itself to be an app, a new...
A paper describing the results of a music-making artificial intelligence (AI) tool was published this week by Google researchers. The AI music tool MusicLM is not...
OpenAI, the artificial intelligence research laboratory, is said to have begun offering a premium version of its popular AI chatbot, “ChatGPT Professional.” According to a LinkedIn...
As the German company expands beyond the Covid-19 vaccine that transformed its fortunes, BioNTech has agreed to buy UK artificial intelligence start-up InstaDeep for up to...