The popular social media app Snapchat on Thursday experienced a service disturbance that prevented a huge number of users from signing in to their account for a few hours. Issues began a little before 3 p.m. PT, influencing clients of the messaging app throughout the world, including in the US, Mexico, Europe, and Australia, detailed experiencing issues with the app to Down Detector.
A huge number of Australian Snapchat users have been not able to sign on Friday morning with the social media giant announcing they knew about an outage.
Snapchat said at the time it knew about the issue and was attempting to resolve it.
The organization said it was getting reports of clients being not able to sign in to their accounts and was working on a solution.
“We‘re aware of an issue preventing some Snapchatters from logging in. Hang tight, we are looking into it and working on a fix!” Snapchat said on its Twitter account.
The organization has around 293 million daily users who use the platform to send self-deleting messages and pictures.
More than 125,000 Snapchat users worldwide complained of technical issues with the social media platform on Thursday evening.
Clients have revealed occurrences of the app crashing each time they try to open it.
Snapchat recognized the issue and said it is attempting to find a solution.
Since 9 am (AEST), a huge number of clients experienced revealed experiencing issues accessing the app, as per, which monitors technological outages.
Snapchat said in a tweet at 9 p.m. PT it had resolved the issue and recommended that clients as yet experiencing issues redownload the app.
Still, users of the popular app weren’t satisfied and gone to Twitter to voice their dissatisfaction, using the hashtag #snapchatdown.
The blackout gave off an impression of being affecting clients around the world, anyway Downdetector’s live outage and announced issues map shows a high volume of complaints from users in the eastern United States.
Numerous Snapchatters took to Twitter to express their troubles over the outage.
After five hours, the organization said the issue had been resolved, advising clients as yet experiencing issues to update their app.
As indicated by, which monitors global technology outages, a huge number of Australians were among those lodging outage reports throughout the globe.
Snapchat, which depends on self-deleting images and messages, is home to a huge number of daily users.
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