In the heart of Japanese culture lies an exquisite practice known as Kintsugi, the art of mending broken pottery with...
Satellite radio service SiriusXM is making its Premier Streaming plan, which incorporates access to the Howard Stern Show, free until May 15, as more individuals cover...
Dame Jean Macnamara was an Australian medical researcher and doctor whose participation in the investigation of polio is especially important today. Google has recognized her with...
In this dog eat dog world, Digital Marketing has become an inevitable part of our lives. Digital Marketing deals with all Marketing efforts that use an...
Google Doodle celebrates the 121st birthday of Australian medical doctor and scientist Dame Jean Macnamara on April 1, 2020. Who is Dame Jean Macnamara? Dame Annie...
Tomie dePaola, the prolific children’s writer and illustrator who charmed generations with stories of Strega Nona, the compassionate and supportive old witch in Italy, died Monday...
Google has reported that it is canceling its 2020 April Fool’s Day pranks and jokes due to coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Business Insider announced this dependent on...
Cesar Chavez Day is seen in the United States on March 31 every year. It celebrates the birthday of César Estrada Chávez and it serves as...
Country singers everywhere throughout the country are paying emotional tributes to Joe Diffie, who died from entanglements of coronavirus on Sunday. Diffie, a singer known for...
Drake has shared the first-ever photographs of his 2-year-old child, named Adonis, alongside an inspiring message about family. The 33-year-old rapper has been famously private about...
Seward’s Day is a legal holiday in the U.S. state of Alaska. It falls on the last Monday in March. Seward’s Day 2020 is on Monday,...