The financial landscape is undergoing rapid digital transformation, and Black Banx is at the forefront of this revolution. With a...
During the extreme summer heat, it can be difficult for those with diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure to...
The over the counter trading of currency has been buzzing for quite some time now. It not only one of the most profitable but also complex...
Yule or Yuletide (“Yule time” or “Yule season”) is a celebration generally adopted by the Germanic peoples. Yule is a Germanic Winter festival that was praised...
Forefathers’ Day is a holiday celebrated in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on December 22 to commemorate the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth Rock, who left England...
Artists know better than anyone that art is always open to interpretation. It is in this fact that both the creator and the audience find solace....
The 25-year-old entrepreneur and PA student from California is renowned for balancing the acts of pursuing an education in medicine while educating about health and fitness...
Upscaling an existing dental practice or starting a new one can be overwhelming yet exhilarating. And Dr. Izquierdo is a sure testament of that. Along with...
Building and maintaining client relationships are the cornerstone of a law firm to become successful. A client approaches a lawyer or law firm with the expectation...
Stage NameMixing Alfredo Question: What’s your profession? Answer: DJ, Producer, Engineer, Artist Question: When did you start? Answer: Started when I was 14 , making my...
Meet Palan, a Social worker from Rajkot, Gujarat has truly contributed to the welfare of his community. Internet and social media have revolutionized lives of young...
Google Doodle observed Winter Solstice, Summer Solstice, and The Great Conjunction with an animated graphic on December 21, 2020. The Great Conjunction, a visual overlap of...