In a world filled with numerous genres, thriller remains a perennial favorite. The heart-pounding suspense, exciting plot twists, and page-turning...
Google’s upcoming foldable Pixel phone seems, by all accounts, to be nailed on, but what will the new foldable be called. All things considered, it appears...
Hossein Norouzi (born February 4, 2007 in Iran, Tehran) is an actor, singer, and musician. Hossein Norouzi first started his career in Iran Radio and Television and...
Fintech startup Spendesk is declaring that it has raised an augmentation to its Series C round. Tiger Global is contributing $114 million (€100 million) to the...
Amazon said on Monday it would not stop accepting UK-issued Visa Inc (V) credit cards on its British website later this month as it had proposed,...
Today, being sustainable is not just a good idea; it’s almost a prerequisite. Companies have taken to social media and other outlets to show their support...
Google Doodle, represented by Brooklyn, New York-based guest artist Olivia Fields, celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2022. This United States government holiday celebrates a...
There are several ways to make money in the cryptocurrency market. Some of them are known as investments but others need more knowledge in this potential...
Entrepreneurship is one of the main axes of growth, development, and advancement. It is considered to be the engine of economic progress in any country. The...
Features and structural components of rap music: How to become famous in rap? You need to define your subject style. Rap consists of many different styles...
Google Doodle celebrates the 80th birthday of Spanish graphic humorist Antonio Fraguas de Pablo, otherwise called Forges on January 17, 2022. Who was Antonio Fraguas ‘Forges’...