Since 2020, there has been a notable startup wave in India. Furthermore, the broadcast of “Shark Tank India,” an entrepreneurial...
In the first place, as per Esteban, there ought to continuously be an inspiration that pushes you to begin, continue on and complete the task. “The...
Similarly, as the Fall Film Festival season is getting ready to take off with Venice, Telluride, Toronto, and NYFF busily firming up their slates, we presently...
July 14th is Bastille Day, France’s national day. It denotes the anniversary of the Storming of the Bastille in 1789, a defining moment of the French...
The U.N. projects in another report that India will supplant China as the world’s most populated country one year from now. As per the U.N. World...
Bastille Day is the French national day, which is celebrated on 14 July every year to honor the anniversary of the Storming of the Bastille on...
BLACKPINK is teaming up with PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Mobile for their impending in-game show titled ‘The VIRTUAL’, which will incorporate 3D avatars of the individuals and...
United States Vice-President Kamala Harris will make a significant intervention at the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) leaders’ meeting, announcing that America will considerably ramp up its...
Celebrated every year on July 13th, National French Fry Day is an unofficial holiday where individuals celebrate the delectable, deep-fried potato treat that can be eaten...
Asalha Puja, the Theravada Buddhist festival, will occur on July 13, 2022. The holiday falls on an alternate day every year since it is celebrated on...
Zixdo, a subsidiary brand of, is India’s most prominent car care chain having 50+ franchises across the nation. First time in India, the start-up made...