Telegram CEO Pavel Durov wrote a post this week to uncover that Apple was holding off on releasing a significant Telegram update for an obscure explanation. Presently the update has at long last been endorsed in the iOS App Store, and Durov affirmed that Apple griped about the new animated emoji remembered for the app.
Telegram released another update on Friday only one day after Telegram CEO and founder Pavel Durov said the update had been in Apple’s app review for a very long time without explanation. The update is loaded with emoji-related features, yet one is missing on the grounds that Apple explicitly requested its expulsion, as indicated by Durov.
The furthest down-the-line update to Telegram’s app for iOS accompanies various new features, particularly for Premium subscribers. For instance, it allows clients to confine voice messages and even gift somebody with a Telegram Premium subscription. In any case, the most remarkable feature accompanying this update is the new emoji panel, which additionally brings new animated emojis.
Telegram has some animated emojis, yet presently the platform is taking this feature much further. Clients can at long last add numerous animated emojis to their messages, though already just emojis sent independently were animated. The app offers numerous packs of “Telemoji,” as these new animated emojis are called.
Also, that is where the circumstance with Apple comes in. In another post on his Telegram channel, Durov claims that Apple has requested that the platform remove Telemoji from the update. That is on the grounds that, among the new packs, there was one intensely motivated by the first iOS emoji however with animations made by Telegram.
As per Durov, Telemoji“would have brought an entirely new dimension” compared to the “static low-resolution emoji” that come included in iOS. Telegram’s CEO argues that Apple has opposed the “higher quality vector-animated versions of the standard emoji.”
The Telegram update with Telemoji has been endorsed by the App Store review team. Be that as it may, essentially for the present, this version does exclude the animated emoji pack roused by Apple’s design language. That’s what Durov says, in the long haul, this will persuade Telegram to make Telemoji much more “unique and recognizable.”
However, the update is stacked with other new emoji improvements. Clients who subscribe to Telegram’s as of late launched $4.99 Premium service will actually want to upload and involve custom emoji in chats with friends, and Telegram is offering 10 custom packs with in excess of 500 emoji to begin. Free clients will actually want to see any of the animated emojis and use them in their saved messages.
Wire has additionally updated the sticker panel on iOS by making separate tabs for stickers, GIFs, and emoji, similar to what you may be know all about in Telegram on Android, desktop, or the web. You can peruse the full list of updates in Telegram’s blog post.
There are more improvements for the way. In “a few weeks,” Telegram will allow clients to add any custom emoji as a message reaction, Durov says, however, this will be a Premium-only feature to begin.
It’s significant that main Premium subscribers can send Telemoji, yet anybody can see them in messages. The wire is accessible for nothing on the App Store, yet the Premium subscribers cost $4.99 each month for iOS clients.
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