Multi-level marketing is getting more popular nowadays because common people are joining as their distributors and making huge profits in this business line. Here are the top 5 Individual Networkers of the MLM industry in INDIA 2021.
Pawan Mailk is Ambassador of Vestige Marketing Private Limited Company having exp of 20+ years. Pawan Malik is a tremendous motivational speaker and his speech is heard in the country and abroad. People get a lot of inspiration from them, and they are very well-earned individuals in the network marketing field.
Founder of Vestige Marketing who is more popular on YouTube with millions of followers. He is a writer, educator, business consultant, and also considered a better and successful entrepreneur. He is one of the high respected leaders of India who has shown the right direction to the lives of millions of people in MLM industry.
He has been in the industry for more than 21 years and in these years of success, he made sure he can reach as many people as possible. He even went against his family to follow his passion, alongside his wife and today he is widely known for his work. Harish’s story is itself a motivation and through his speech, he always delivers the passion for work and to earn right. He is the sole ambassador of his Vestige Marketing Pvt.Ltd and MLM leader making it grow like never.
Deepak Bajaj is considered a great personality network marketing leader who gives a lot of inspiration and motivational speeches on his YouTube channel. Mr. Deepak Bajaj is not only a Motivational Speaker but also a Life Coach, Business Trainer, Business Consultant, Network Marketing Leader, and Better Network Marketing Trainer.
She joined Modi Care Limited Company in 1996 and since then. After working hard, she made himself capable of this. She was awarded a check of ₹ 8000000 in a seminar in 2017. Since then her name became very famous. She has written a book in her life which people read with great enthusiasm, the name of that book is “Success Path of Kalam Sir”.
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