Interesting Facts about Dr. Julie Sulianti Saroso, an Indonesian Doctor
Google Doodle celebrates the 106th birthday of Prof. Dr. Julie Sulianti Saroso, an Indonesian doctor, on May 10, 2023. Here are some interesting and fun facts about Dr. Sulianti Saroso.
Google Doodle on Dr. Sulianti Saroso’s 106th Birthday
25 Interesting Facts about Dr. Julie Sulianti Saroso
On May 10th, 1917, Sulianti Saroso was born in Karangasem, Bali. She was initially interested in medicine by her father, who was a doctor.
In 1942, she received her medical degree from the Geneeskundige Hoge School (GHS, or medical college), which is located in Batavia (in Jakarta).
After that, she went on to earn a Certificate of Public Health Administration from the University of London and continued her education in England, Scandinavia, the United States, and Malaya for two years (from 1950 to 1951).
In 1962, she received her MPH (Master of Public Health) and TM (Tropical Medicine) degrees. In 1965, she received her MPH (Tropical Medicine) degree.
After defending her dissertation, which was titled “The Natural History of Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli Infections,” at Tulane Medical School in New Orleans, Louisiana, the United States of America, in 1965, she was awarded her Doctor of Public Health (Epidemiology) degree.
Dr. Julie Sulianti Saroso worked in the Internal Medicine section of CBZ, Jakarta after graduating from medical school in 1942.
After the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, she proceeded with her career at Bethesda Hospital in Yogyakarta, the section on pediatric diseases.
Dr. Julie Sulianti Saroso began her career at the Ministry of Health in 1951. Head of the Mother and Child Welfare Section, Head of Foreign Relations, Deputy Head of the Education Section, Head of the Village Community Health and People’s Health Education Section, and Head of the Planning Board were just a few of her responsibilities at the organization.
Dr. Julie Sulianti Saroso was given the position of Head of the National Health Research (LRKN) Ministry of Health and Director General of Prevention, Eradication, and Eradication of Communicable Diseases (P4M) simultaneously in 1967.
She gave the inaugural speech for her position as a professor at Airlangga University in Surabaya in 1969, titled “Epidemiological Approach in Overcoming Diseases.”
Dr. Sulianti Saroso was promoted to Head of Health Research and Development at the Ministry of Health until 1978 after resigning from her position as Director General of P4M in 1975.
She was appointed as a member of the team that developed and evaluated the State Minister for Research and Technology’s National Main Program for Research and Technology in 1978.
Additionally, on January 1, 1979, Dr. Sulianti Saroso was appointed to the Minister of Health’s expert staff. She was appointed to the International Center of Diarrhea Disease Research Bangladesh’s Board of Trustees in 1979, where she also held the position of Chairman of the Board for a year from 1979 to 1980.
Dr. Julie Sulianti Saroso joined the Junior Minister for Women’s Role in 1981 as an adviser for the Family and Toddler Development Pioneer Project.
She was appointed Lecturer at the Naval Health Service’s Dentistry Institute in 1982.
Dr. Julie Sulianti Saroso has likewise served as Chair of the PELITA II Five-year Planning Task Force for the Health sector, has represented the Government of Indonesia in international sessions in the Health Sector, been a member of the WHO Expert Committee of Maternity and Child Health, a member of the UN Commission on Community Development in African Countries, member of the Honorary Society on Public Health Delta Omega, member of the WHO Expert Committee of International Surveillance of Communicable Diseases, member of the Indonesian Women’s National Commission, President of the World Health Assembly and member of the WHO Executive Board.
Dr. Julie Sulianti Saroso was held captive by Dutch troops for two months at IVG Yogyakarta during the independence struggle (1946-1949).
She worked to provide food and medicine to guerrilla enclaves in the Tambun Gresik, Demak, and Yogyakarta areas.
The Indonesian Women’s Youth Organization (PPI) is another organization in which Dr. Julie Sulianti Saroso is involved.
She is also a member of the Republic of Indonesia Youth Congress and the KOWANI Leadership Council.
She then joined forces with her friends to form the Women’s Warriors, which went by the name WAPP (Women Helping Struggle). In 1947 represented Indonesia at the Women’s Congress in India.
Along with India’s Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, Julie Sulianti Saroso is also one of only two women to have held the position of President of the World Health Assembly.
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur took office in 1950, while Dr. Sulianti Saroso did so in 1973. The Asian continent is home to both of them.
To pay tribute to her services, a hospital in Jakarta was named after her, to be specific the Prof. Infectious Diseases Hospital. Dr. Sullianti Saroso.
On May 10, 2023, Google featured a Google Doodle on its homepage for celebrating Dr. Sulianti Saroso’s 106th Birthday.