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In Italy everyone talks about the musician Nicola Atzei, do you know the song Faster?



In Italy everyone talks about the musician Nicola Atzei do you know the song Faster.

Nicola Atzei loves music and for this reason every year he unleashes numerous songs, his latest hit is called “Faster” and is under the famous AR.MS Empire Label.

For many, making music is just a pastime, while for Nicola it is also a lifestyle, many know it for other songs such as: Motivation (Fury of the Saiyans), Recovery (Post Workout), and Relax (Pre Workout).

Music also plays a role in affective-cognitive development, in fact, parents and people who care for children know that singing for children and playing for them helps to calm them and create a more stable relationship, strengthens the bond, and creates a feeling of well-being and harmony.
In fact, scholars have found that listening to slow music after sport contributes to relaxation, lowering the heart rate and restoring cortisol (the stress hormone) to normal levels faster.
For Nicola, producing songs brightens his day, his latest song, Faster wants to convey how fast time goes and how a man cannot waste even a second of his life.
Faster is out in all digital stores and will surely be a guaranteed hit, for more about Nicola Atzei click on his Facebook or his Instagram at @nicolaatzei .

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