
HubSpot has Released the First Free Artificial Intelligence (AI) Discovery Tool


Clients and prospects are dumping traditional searches for exploring AI for speedy, personalized answers, as indicated by marketing expert HubSpot.

In fact, it states that while search engines are down 11%, more people are using tools like ChatGPT to answer questions.

For marketers who have been focused on getting their brands found with Search engine optimization, this is the ideal opportunity to dominate another art: Language Model Optimisation (LMO).

A HubSpot representative said: “We’ve always given marketers the tools they need to connect with their customers and drive growth. We did it with our Website Grader which helped millions of marketers optimize for search engines. And we’re doing it today with the launch of AI Search Grader, the first free tool that helps brands understand how they show up in Large Language Models (LLM) and AI search.”

Nicholas Holland, VP of product and GM of Marketing Hub at HubSpot said: “What marketers have been doing for years to attract customers won’t be as effective in the future. People just aren’t using traditional search like they used to.

“As the tides are turning toward AI search, we want to help marketers stand out and get discovered in this new environment. That’s exactly what AI Search Grader will give marketers – a new, free way to connect with their customers in the AI era.”

Marketers are currently manually testing how their brands appear in AI search: visiting various experiences, creating specialized prompts, collecting reactions, and synthesizing results – all to get a fraction of the data they need. Furthermore, there’s little guidance to assist them with following up on what they find.

HubSpot’s AI Search Grader stops the requirement for artificial intelligence mastery and removes the mystery of how a brand appears in artificial intelligence search. It prompts engineering for marketers and contextualizes their brand’s performance to simplify LMO.

AI Search Grader includes:

Generally, grade gives marketers and entrepreneurs an initial perspective on how their brand is performing across all AI search engines we monitor.

Perspectives on brand visibility:

  • First-of-its-kind brand sentiment score sees language used in artificial intelligence responses to assist marketers with understanding how their brand is being talked about and seen.
  • Share of Voice (SOV) score estimates brand perceivability contrasted with competitors in a similar category.
  • Personalized analysis empowers marketers to realize what they’re getting along admirably and effectively and place where they need to improve to build their brand awareness and sentiment.

AI Search Grader is free and all around the world accessible in English for any marketer to use.

Raeesa Sayyad

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