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Hong Kong is Still Ranked Fourth in the Global Financial Centers Index



Hong Kong is Still Ranked Fourth in the Global Financial Centers Index

The distinct benefits of having the support of the motherland and being connected to the rest of the world helped Hong Kong stay in fourth place globally in a financial centers index released on Thursday by British and Chinese think tanks.

Released by the China Development Institute in Shenzhen and the British think tank Z/Yen Group, the Global Financial Centers Index (GFCI) 35 report evaluated 121 financial centers globally.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government released a statement in response to the report, stating that the region has been working to be in line with national development strategies and play a significant role in the dual circulation of domestic and international markets.

Next week, the city will host several financial events, such as the highly anticipated Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit, which is only open to family offices. These events are expected to highlight Hong Kong’s advantages as a global financial hub in terms of its development potential and investment opportunities.

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