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Fatemeh Sanaei talks about two effective dimensions in women’s entrepreneurship



Fatemeh Sanaei talks about two effective dimensions in womens entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is one of the main axes of growth, development, and advancement. It is considered to be the engine of economic progress in any country. The experience of countries with high national income growth shows that the managers and directors in these countries have realized the role of entrepreneurship in the development and progress of the country. Since women make up a large part of the population, women’s entrepreneurship is very important. Women’s participation in business is one of the significant indicators in measuring and assessing the development and progress of any country. Women play an important and growing role in business in today’s society. The share of women in business has been increasing in recent years; however, women still face obstacles in doing business which they must overcome gradually.

Fatemeh Sanaei

Individual dimensions:

In this dimension, sociological characteristics, personality traits, and motivations are examined. Individual personality traits (such as self-confidence) are related to women’s employment and directly affect women’s employment and their employment condition. According to sociological information, as the birth rate increases, there will be a decline in women’s employment. There is also a negative relationship between the number of children and the employment rate. Marital status also affects this situation, as single women have more freedom in seeking employment and doing economic and social activities than married women. Education is also a significant factor considering that working women with higher education make up a smaller percentage of working women, and the number of female managers with higher education is less than women without higher education.

Women who seek employment prefer to have government jobs. This can be a sign of a lack of self-confidence in women. Because employment in the private sector or entrepreneurship requires certain degrees of risk-taking and these matters require a certain level of confidence, creativity, and other related psychological and personality traits that the government jobs do not.

Network Dimensions:

Economic activities take place in more complex networks of social relations. Available resources and opportunities are located within these networks. Expert consultation and advice in most cases determine the reliability of the economic activity; Therefore, it is very valuable for entrepreneurs, especially for women who need consultation and training in entrepreneurship. Establishing networks can be accelerated with the cooperation of government brokers and company officials. Networking and participation can play a valuable role in the promotion and internationalization of activities.

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