Except if you’ve been hiding under a rock with awful WiFi for as far back as month, you will have no uncertainty gone over the #10yearchallenge, a viral meme where individuals share a photo of themselves 10 years prior nearby a new photo. For most, it’s only a harmless bit of enjoyable to feature what impact the tenacious power of time has had on their once-attractive face or maybe to indicate how kindly puberty has treated them.
In any case, some have been speculating that the challenge could have a progressively sinister goal: to gather your information and train a facial recognition AI.
Facebook has just hit back at the case, saying in a tweet to WIRED Magazine: “The 10 year challenge is a user-generated meme that started on its own, without our involvement. It’s evidence of the fun people have on Facebook, and that’s it.”
All things considered, the issue focuses to more extensive ramifications of the information we frequently share without blinking an eye. The hypothetical thought began a weekend ago with a “semi-sarcastic tweet” by tech expert and author Kate O’Neill that reads:
“Me 10 years ago: probably would have played along with the profile picture aging meme going around on Facebook and Instagram.
Me now: ponders how all this data could be mined to train facial recognition algorithms on age progression and age recognition.”
As O’Neill later clarified in an article for WIRED, the tweet was implied as a nervy joke instead of a serious allegation. Notwithstanding, if an all-powerful social media organization were to hypothetically make an AI that can foresee maturing, at that point this would for sure be the perfect dataset.
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