Prime Minister Imran Khan announced the ‘Insaf Imdad Package’ led by Chief Minister Punjab, Usman Buzdar for financially challenged during the Corona Virus pandemic. The package was announced to provide relief to the daily wagers and those who do not have enough financial resources to get by during the lockdown.
The government joined hands with Punjab Information and Technology Board (PITB) to ensure transparency. This is why an app ‘Insaf Imdad Package’ has been launched and is now available on Google Play Store. This application is registering the needy who should apply for the government aid by sending the details through an SMS primarily.
To this point, the government has received around 11m applications from the citizens. The citizens can register till April 7 through the following three different channels:
The initial registration data will land on PITB’s digital platform through which it will be sent to the provincial governments. After verification and processing, the data will be shared with district committees for the distribution of financial aid. The shortlisted applicants will be informed through their mobile numbers.
The payment will reach the applications through telecom companies and branchless banking like Jazz Cash and Easypaisa. It can be availed by showing the original CNIC. The payment will be cash and will be through registered retailers, which means that the transparency will be ensured. This will also allow social distancing without hoarding people together in one place for the cash distribution. This initiative by PM Imran Khan and PTI is worth applauding as almost half the nation is in a financial crisis right now. The latest news is reported by DND News from Pakistan.
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