Dr. Aaliya Yaqub: How This Physician-Entrepreneur Mom of 4 is Inspiring Women Through Social Media
In a world of influencers, it’s refreshing to see someone doing something different and inspiring. Dr. Aaliya Yaqub isn’t just a lifestyle blogger. She’s a Board-cerKfied Internal Medicine specialist with addiKonal training in Dermatology. She’s an experienced Medical Founder of several startups and a mom to 4 young children. Perhaps, though, the most interesKng thing about her is how she finds the Kme to create content for social media. ‘I honestly try to share things that I personally have found valuable in my own life’ she told us. “Women, in parKcular, need to know Kps on things like how to advocate for themselves and negoKate their first job contract. But it doesn’t stop there. They also want to know what to wear to an interview or how to look and feel like their most confident self. That’s where I come in. I’m a teacher more than anything else. I want women to be their authenKc selves and know that their beauty shines from the inside out. Good skincare also helps.”
Speaking of skincare, Dr. Yaqub is known in the industry as a secret weapon. Known as ‘The Clear Skin Doc’ on social media, she’s been an expert physician formulator for years and has worked on developing some of the most recognizable products on the market. Unfortunately, she can’t talk about which ones. Luckily, she shares skincare Kps and product advice on her Instagram account. ‘BeauKful skin is science, not magic. And there shouldn’t be any industry secrets anymore. Anyone can have beauKful skin with the right skincare regimen and a scienKfic approach. I’m a big believer that you should keep things very simple.’ She told us.
Beyond skincare, we see her focusing on helping women find their authenKc voice and passion. That’s where she really shines on social media. ‘I like to encourage women to get on the entrepreneurship journey. They can do it if they believe they can. So many people let the fear of failure stop them from pursuing their dreams,” she told us. Dr. Yaqub’s passion for teaching and encouraging entrepreneurship isn’t limited to social media, though. Two years ago, she started a series of live events in Silicon Valley geared toward encouraging women to start businesses. It was a hit and so inspiring for women to meet and hear from successful female entrepreneurs in a wide range of industries from fashion to biotech and e-commerce.
‘Who knows what the future holds a[er COVID, but I do know this—women make excellent leaders in all fields and we need more of them starKng important businesses” Dr. Yaqub notes. We do know this much. We’re excited to see what this incredible mother of 4 is going to achieve in the coming months and years. You can find her on instagram and Kktok under the handle ‘@.clearskindoc’
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