Search engine giant Google celebrates Denmark Constitution Day (Grundlovsdag), the day honors the first constitution of 1849 and the current constitution of 1953 was signed on this date of their respective years, with Doodle on June 5, 2021.
Constitution Day in Denmark is seen on June 5 to celebrate the day that denoted the signing of the Danish Constitution alongside its four revised editions happening on a similar date. Since the nearest thing Danes have to a national day is Constitution Day, it is honored in the full spirit of patriotism.
June 5 denoted the birth of Danish democracy and is praised every year with secular services, speeches by local politicians, the raising of the national flag, and church congregations, to name a few events occurring all through the country.
While Constitution Day is not a national public holiday, offices, banks, and educational establishments are closed and most shops are shut by law. Private companies can decide whether to give workers a holiday and in some cases, this might be a half-day holiday.
This holiday isn’t much observed, as in different nations. The shops and different institutions are typically closed and individuals appreciate warm weather and listen to political debates and speeches on the state of the government.
The first constitution of Denmark was signed by the King of Denmark Frederick VII on June 5, 1849. This event denoted the change of the country from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. From that point forward the constitution of Denmark was rewritten four times. The progressions were made in 1866, 1915, 1920, and 1953. The current constitution of Denmark was adopted on June 5, 1953.
Another event in the history of Denmark gives considerably more importance to the celebration of Constitution Day. Women were offered the right to vote on June 5, 1915. Albeit this holiday marks very significant events, various celebrations are not broadly seen. Families normally go out to observe Father’s Day, which falls on June 5.
Constitution Day (Grundlovsdag) commemorates the anniversary of the signing of the Danish constitution of 1849 by Frederik the VII, which set up Denmark as a constitutional monarchy.
From 1660 until 1849 Denmark had been an absolute monarchy.
The day has added importance as women were given the vote on 5 June 1915.
It also honors the constitution of 1953, which was adopted on the same day.
Almost all workplaces and shops in Denmark will be shut on this specific day.
Traditions on this day incorporate appreciating the early summer weather while listening to political speeches on the state of the government.
While it is the nearest day to a national day for the Danish, the day isn’t broadly used to celebrate the constitution as is seen in different nations, for example, Norway.
5 June is likewise Father’s Day in Denmark. It was presented in 1935, and until 1956 it fell on the second Sunday of November. Father’s Day was subsequently moved to its present date since Constitution Day was a half-day off work.
Even though it has never been an official national holiday, Denmark Constitution Day was a half-day off work from 1891 until 1975. From that point forward, aggregate labor agreements have normally given workers a half-day or the whole day off on Constitution Day. Stores with an annual turnover of at most 34.9 million kroner can remain open on Constitution Day, however, all other stores should keep shut.
As most businesses and shops are shut today, numerous Danes celebrate their country’s democracy and constitution with fællessang (group singing) and udendørsarrangementer (open-air gatherings) in public parks, where pølser (hotdogs) and beer are appreciated by loved ones the same in the commonly warm Scandinavian June weather.
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