The Solana community is buzzing with excitement over the upcoming launch of the Bullyz Crew NFT project. The project, which is an original pirate-themed franchise based...
The Realest Club is a next-generation NFT platform with unique real estate-backed usage. The Realest Club has announced IDO sales for its utility token $TRT. The...
In 2022, people are looking for alternatives to the classic investment and trading methods. One of the most popular rising markets in the world right now...
Introduction Rasta Beach Club is a generative NFT Art collection. The bright & vibrant collection combines over 140 individual traits, each assembling in variety to form...
Nonfungible (NFT) marketplace OpenSea seems to have taken a position in the NFT royalties debate — launching a new “on-chain” tool assisting makers with supporting royalties....
A team of highly regarded stars & successful entrepreneurs are set to launch their highly anticipated collection – La Llama Politically Incorrect Club. The team includes;...
NFT enthusiasts on the Solana and Ethereum blockchain are gearing up for one of the summer’s highly anticipated mints, Fabulosa. The collection is brought to you...
Getting on a global trend, Loco has launched Loco Legends, which it bills as India’s most memorable non-fungible token platform for esports. Loco said it is...
The creators behind the mysterious and upcoming NFT project NUMANS aim to be the next big thing and by the looks of it, they are already...
Shadman Sakib’s entrepreneurial talents were evident at a very early age, when his peers were just beginning to learn the basics of business, Shadman was already...