Nawaf AlNaqbi, famously known as ‘Nawafsama’, is an expert gamer prominently known for his commitment to the regional gaming community. The brilliant game streamer works as...
Realising the need to transform lives of these aspiring enthusiasts, Bhawneet Singh, a young Indian entrepreneur has launched a startup to help these individuals by providing...
It can take a long time to set up a business. As the saying goes, one generation contributes, while the following generation reaps the rewards. It...
The modern age has seen a great revolution in the world of commerce. From local to global, just about any form of trade is now done...
Famous director and businessman Basri Tokgöz has become the most followed interactive Turkish phenomenon worldwide, with hundreds of thousands of followers on social media. Basri Tokgöz’s...
The 26 year old Egyptian rapper released his new track “Hoot Elbahr Elahmar” (Music Video) very soon. It’s a song inspired by the well-known novel “The...
Inartec Design Pvt Ltd is one of the country’s leading interior / architecture / Technology Companythat is known for setting trends across India & abroad. Technology...
“If you have the courage in your heart, no one can stop you. The mind can change patterns, but the heart believes in what it believes!”,...
As the Top 5 delegates at the prestigious Miss Universe 2021 took centre stage for their Q & A round; watching LIVE from home was an...
PharaDomo is an up-and-coming hip hop artist eager to make a name for himself in the industry. Over the course of the last year, he has...