The online shop Book Depository is planning to close at the end of April, sellers and publishing partners have been told. This follows the announcement that...
Forbes’ annual “World’s Billionaires List” has officially dethroned Elon Musk from the top of the list. With an estimated $180 billion in wealth, the Tesla and...
It is common for schools and businesses to close in the US during snowstorms since students and employees would be in danger from the weather if...
The United States and Canada have reached a deal that would allow both countries to reject asylum seekers who cross the border illegally because the effects...
Vineet Gupta of Ashoka University explains the Impact of ChatGPT on Modern Education Practices. New Delhi (India), April 1: Artificial intelligence (AI) has proven to be a...
Pranav Gupta Ashoka University Cofounder says Indian Universities need to focus on the ethics of higher education. New Delhi (India), April 1: Ethics plays an important role...
New Delhi (India), March 13: Save Earth company, YES WORLD Climate Tech conducted a major event to generate the much-required awareness about climate change emergency through...
Quadarius Greene is the youngest Digital Marketer from the United States. The US knows how to handle the online presence of its clients. He is very...
Search engine giant Google launched a Google Doodle on March 29, 2023, to celebrate Raden Ayu Lasminingrat’s 169th birthday. Lasminingrat was a pioneer in the advancement...
Bharat Kumar Solanki, a native of Koselao, a small village in Rajasthan, has risen to prominence as the Director of the Cyber Helpline Foundation (CHF), a...