There will always remain a tug of war between the most preferred way of using Kratom by people around the globe. With Kratom gaining its popularity...
International Nurses Day is celebrated worldwide every year on May 12. The theme of International Nurses Day 2020 is Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Nursing...
International Nurses Day (IND) is celebrated around the world on 12 May, the anniversary of the founder of modern nursing Florence Nightingale’s birth, to mark the...
Whether it is a job interview or a romantic date, first impressions are really important. People pay close attention to how they look, how they smell...
Numerous Jewish individuals in the United States celebrate Lag B’Omer, also known as Lag BaOmer, on the 18th day of the month of Iyar in the...
To celebrate Mother’s Day 2020, Google is appearing a new interactive homepage Doodle that lets you make a card for the holiday that you can even...
Mehdi Mobarkeh, a successful businessman in Iran has also been gripped by social media and has become a lifestyle influencer.There has been a positive shift in...
World Ovarian Cancer Day (WOCD) is seen on May 8. It expects to make a community where those living with ovarian cancer, survivors, and their families...
World Red Cross Day, otherwise called the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day which is celebrated every year on May 8 to celebrate the great...
Pinellas County FL: A letter was sent to Governor DeSantis, addressed to Chief Judge Rondolino, Judge Pam Campbell, Hamden Baskin, Esq.,“professional” guardian Jean Farnan, and Office...