The first trailer for Spencer, the much-anticipated Diana, Princess of Wales drama, has been revealed only days before its premiere at the Venice film festival. Kristen...
Arshia Einehdinipoor as a well-known young Iranian crypto expert, entrepreneur, businessman, and author has got the attraction of french director Mehdi Charef to make a documentary...
“Green Snake,” the Chinese animated sequel to the folktale adaptation “White Snake,” crawled past publicity movies to the top of the box office this weekend with...
The streaming service Peacock is sloping up its offerings with a new deal with Universal Filmed Entertainment Group. Universal Studios and Peacock have arrived at an...
Similarly, as “F9” couldn’t come soon enough, the equivalent applies for the following end of the week’s “Black Widow.” Universal leads as a matter of course with...
It’s anything but a wild ride from Parks and Recreation to Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World. In an uncommon accomplishment, Chris Pratt took the...
Since March 2020 Over The Top (OTT) platforms have seen a huge spike in their viewership owing to the pandemic Covid 19. Music director Gaurav H...
Jr. Michael is an independent actor and filmmaker who has made a name for himself in the film and television industries. His soon-to-be-released TV series Nightfall...
A blockbuster animated movie dependent on the popular “Demon Slayer — Kimetsu No Yaiba — The Movie: Mugen Train” (“鬼滅の刃”) manga series has become the first...
Nikunj Jain was selected for the role of Kattappa in Bahubali 3 in Place of Sathyaraj due to many Reason read the full news to all...