The Boy and the Heron, an animated film by Hayao Miyazaki, opened the Toronto Film Festival with stunning visuals and deep philosophical themes, but without the...
Veteran actors are demonstrating that they still have it in the box office draw department. The Equalizer 3, which was starred by Oscar-winner and your favorite...
The 2023 edition of the Cannes Film Festival was one of the biggest successes among global entertainment events: an edition full of top films, great guests...
Every Star Trek movie can now be purchased or rented in the latest 4K and HDR standards for the first time. This includes all six movies...
Morad ait tifoughaline His artistic name Morad foralin, is a content creator and music video director, originally from Demnate born in 1995. During the last ten years of his...
The sequel to the sci-fi film “Avatar: The Way of Water” performed exceptionally well at the box office over Christmas even though a severe winter storm...
The production partnership for Saudi multihyphenate Ahd Kamel’s long-awaited feature film debut, “My Driver and I,” was announced at this week’s Red Sea Film Festival in...
Telugu movies are known to be path breakers, currently in filming, once such would be upcoming movie Dheera. The team recently announced the commencement of this...
Elvis Presley starred in excess of 30 films throughout the course of his career, however some way or another it took until this year — 45...
One Piece released its fifteenth movie titled One Piece Film: Red in Japanese theaters on August 6th, 2022. In the wake of gathering 2.25 billion yen,...