“Mr. & Mrs. Smith,” the iconic movie starring Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, has been given new life by Amazon Prime. Donald Glover and Maya Erskine...
People magazine has named actor Patrick Dempsey the ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ for 2023. The actor made an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on November 7, the...
The highly anticipated Academy Awards ceremony is the result of all nominations and awards. The following is a timeline and important dates for the 2023–2024 awards...
How do you celebrate the festive season? As a member of an orthodox family, I hold our traditional values dear. Yet, I also enjoy adding a...
Actor Richard Roundtree, a trailblazer who played the ultra-smooth private detective in several “Shaft” movies starting in the early 1970s, has died. 81 years old. Longtime manager...
In the dazzling realm of Bollywood, where dreams take flight and stars are born, Vaibhav Kumar stands out as a rising sensation. With an Instagram following...
Heliya Khazaei, a famous artist and actress, talked about her successes in the field of acting and social media in a recent interview. He has been...
As Halloween approaches, Fortnitemares 2023 has returned to the game, bringing a variety of creepy goodies, including an Alan Wake outfit, a Jack Skellington outfit from...
Hattie McDaniel will be given a posthumous honor by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), which administers the Oscars, by restoring her defunct...
David McCallum, a veteran of NCIS who was widely recognized for his Emmy-nominated performance in The Man From U.N.C.L.E., died peacefully this morning at New York Presbyterian...