Alycia Debnam-Carey was born on July 20, 1993, in Sydney, Australia. In the wake of ascending to popularity on the reality series Next Stop Hollywood, she...
Riley Elizabeth Curry, born July 19, 2012, is the sweet little daughter of N.B.A. legend Stephen Curry and actress Ayesha. Curry is a long way from...
Benedict Cumberbatch is good to go to turn 46 on July 19, 2022. Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch is a renowned English actor brought into the world...
Mark Sinclair, professionally known as Vin Diesel, is an American Hollywood actor and film producer born on July 18, 1967. Diesel is one of the highest-grossing...
Reza Moosavi provided significant points to music lovers. He added: “It can be said that the first sound that is uttered when singing is the most...
Many artists can tell you what they feel can make them a star. And you have those that know what it’s like to be a star....
Hasbulla Magomedov has attracted a huge number of fans worldwide with a certain, hyper-masculine persona that differs from his lovable stature and childlike voice. Having surprised...
He is the brain behind “Letsgrub,” a company aimed at bringing people together through technology in real-time over a common interest in food. It is indeed...
Business is something that comes straight from the horse’s mouth. Being an entrepreneur and digital creator can be enormously rewarding. Having the courage to take a...
Paloma Rush is a Latin pop queen who releases up-tempo, catchy, and strong songs that have you tapping your toes and singing along to. Before becoming...