Padma Shri Award winning actor Manoj Joshi plays the main protagonist in this film Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh), India: Noted author and filmmaker Abhik Bhanu has tabled...
Novels and books are the real treasures of the world as they contain so much inspiring and influential literature that they always have some impact on...
India has been celebrated for its art, literature and writing since ancient times. Cited by Time Bulletin in July 2021 on internet, Mohd Adil Ali, a...
“The Radioman of the Cosmos Era”: release of the book about Nikolai Bugaev, a person who ensured radio communication with all cosmonauts in the USSR, as...
Yashi Lath has recently published her new poetry books titled ‘Thoughts of a Bookworm’ and ‘Direct from The Heart’. Yashi Lath has expressed her thoughts and...
After numerous years in the darkroom, Academy Award-winning cinematographer Sir Roger Deakins is, at last, showing his still photography to people in general. Reported through Instagram...
Serial entrepreneur Brendan Cox started his career buying and selling niche Instagram accounts and now he’s teaching realtors how to conquer their own social media marketing...
An upcoming masterpiece, “The Broken Ship” penned by acclaimed storyteller Silisti Karuriya. “The Broken Ship” written by an award-winning author Silisti Karuriya will immerse you into...
It is customary that each generation passes many things onto the next. Sometimes it’s through spoken word. Sometimes it’s through things that we find out but...
Referred to as the Efficiency Driver, Ray Hodge has been featured in Forbes and is the author of two self-published books. He is also the author...