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Basketball player Roman Perez is a leader



Basketball player Roman Perez is a leader

During these hard times, we expect people to rise to the occasion and step up to their calling. And that is something Roman Perez has fulfilled all his life but more this year. Serving as a community leader in New York City and leading by example for others to do the same.

From providing school supplies to collecting sneakers, giving out toys, the list goes on. He ran 6 basketball tournaments this year alone and hosted 8 one day events as well. Online he is working with groups whether it’s live on Instagram, group workout sessions, and engaging people from all over.

Perez is a current professional basketball player and the founder of the Dudo Baez foundation. He’s an example that when discipline, hard work, and perseverance are applied it can always lead to success.

But he’s not stopping now, 2021 he has projects approaching as off the basketball scenes he’s an actor and comedian. His personal movie on his life named “I am Victorious”, will be releasing sometime in November, and his first directed film “Chancleta Man” also releasing sometime next year as well. Back to the basketball scenario, he will be joining the world-known Court Kingz team where he will be using his hometown nickname “da Gift”.

You don’t need a ton of bucks to be successful, in this story all it takes is love to make it happen. Yes, love for what you do and continue to reach forward to do in life. Roman Perez is the perfect example of someone who’s reached success in his life, and we are more than excited to see what’s on the horizon for his career on and off the basketball court.

Find out more about Roman Perez on his website and Instagram:

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