A lifelong passion for imagination and adventure drives budding author Christina Abu-Khalaf to craft enthralling fiction for eager readers. After relocating with her family from her...
Humans have a weird infatuation with horror. We have all experienced the adrenaline, the rush, the spine-tingling feeling that makes you turn around and see if...
A treasure trove of values and moral lessons lies within the delightful pages of Taffy’s Sweet Adventure In Chocomania. Justina’s amazing narrative takes young readers on...
Dr. John Hagen is a distinguished Canadian surgeon and medical educator, renowned for his expertise in laparoscopic surgery, particularly in the fields of bariatric and general...
In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, amid the twinkling lights and the cheerful melodies, it’s easy to get swept up in the whirlwind...
In the ideal world, justice is often envisioned as a blindfolded, impartial, and fair figure holding scales that weigh the evidence without prejudice. However, as we...
Friendship is a powerful force that can change lives. In fiction, writers often use the device of an unexpected friendship between two very different characters to...
As we watch our children grow up in a world of incredibly fast-advancing technology, we naturally have concerns about how artificial intelligence will shape their future....
Steeped in hundreds of years of stories, India is enriched with diverse cultures, traditions, and beliefs giving considerable significance to historical sights. Millions of aficionados are...
Pursuing an authentic relationship with God can often feel daunting in a world filled with constant noise and distractions. The desire to draw closer to God...