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Ali Ahmed Almohannadi discusses the importance of adapting to new technology to stay ahead of the curve



WhatsApp Image 2020 09 01 at 8.14.25 PM

There is no doubt that the 21st century is the age of technology. It has been increasingly on the rise and it continually changes with each passing moment. Ali Ahmed Almohannadi, founder of Kinfolks, a marketing and management firm, explains why adapting to new modes of technology is one of the best ways to stay ahead of the curve.

“It is the most uncomfortable truth, coming to terms with technology, but you have to understand that it is bigger than what you can handle,” said Ali. Adapting to technology is no joke, and takes time, but it is necessary if you want to stay in the game. The change of pace when it comes to new technology is rapid and, as an entrepreneur, you need to be prepare to address to it just as fast. “Forget the old methods of conducting a business, and follow your instinct. It will serve you well once you are in possession of all the facts,” added Ali.

Ali started out at an early age, helping at his uncle’s company at the age of 15. It was clear to him from the very beginning that he wanted to do management for a living. While at his uncle’s company, Ali gained communication skills as well as the experience that he used to build his business. His unmatched passion and enthusiasm encouraged him to successfully help his friends to build their own online web presence. Nevertheless, Ali chose to finish his studies in science, but ultimately decided to change his career. “I am not sure why, but I couldn’t continue Science when it was clear to me I was doing better in management and marketing. I loved the work that goes in it and decided to pursue my career there,” said Ali. 

As founder of Kinfolks, Ali is well aware of the benefits of technology. His company has helped a variety of clients on a variety of projects through the benefits of social media. Mondarian Hotel, Rotana Hotel, Alrayyan Hotel, etc., are just some of the projects that Ali and Kinfolks have completed. Ali’s love for technology is even more evident due to his release of the VenitaApp, an app for beauty services, as well ADegrees, an app that offers professional services that blend architecture, interior design and event design. 

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