If you drive, you’ve probably noticed that auto insurance rates have sharply increased. Claims related to weather and supply chain problems are the two main causes of this. Even for those who live in states where extreme weather is not a concern, insurers claim that around the country weather events have resulted in decreased profitability for them and new, higher rates for customers. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic’s initial four years ago gave rise to persistent supply chain problems that have increased the cost of repairs for companies.
The “why” of it all isn’t as important right now as what you can do to address it. To help you fight the rising cost of auto insurance, consider these five tips.
Regardless of your agent’s reputation or how much you may have liked your insurance company in the past, it has become almost essential to routinely shop around for lower rates. The amount that rates vary when you compare quotes from different insurance providers might surprise you.
To make comparison shopping easier, many insurers provide online quotes. You can fairly compare the pricing of another company with what you’re paying now, provided you obtain quotes for the same level of coverage, if not better. It’s possible that changing your policy can be done without even speaking with a human. The greatest insurance providers do, however, also provide the option if you would rather speak with a live agent.
Furthermore, if you’re deemed a high-risk driver, don’t automatically assume that your luck is finished. Numerous companies remain available to provide you with insurance.
When you pay your entire premium upfront, some insurers give you a nice discount. Assume you get a quote for $600 for six months of coverage. You have the option of paying $600 in full upfront or $100 every month plus a small fee. The typical discount for paying in advance is about 10%. You will now pay $540 as opposed to $600.
Your insurer won’t worry that you won’t remember to make monthly payments if you set up automatic payments. Whether you use a credit card, debit card, or checking account to make payments, enabling autopay could result in additional savings of 5% to 10%.
Insurance companies are aware that, despite their rate increases, they are in competition for customers. That’s one of the reasons so many provide a variety of discounts. It’s time to check the discounts offered by your present insurance provider if you haven’t done so recently. Below is a list of a few of the most popular discounts:
The amount you pay for your auto insurance deductible is the amount you have to pay out of pocket before your insurance company picks up the tab. Let us assume that your deductible is $1,000. Your car needs $5,000 in repairs after being in an accident. The first $1,000 is your responsibility; the remaining amount will be covered by your insurance company.
Your insurance company will reward you with a lower premium if you increase your deductible. This is because the business is aware that, should a claim arise, it won’t have to make as large of a payout. Depending on the insurer, your premium may decrease in amount.
You’re not alone if you can list a thousand things you would rather do with your money than pay for auto insurance. Thankfully, you can control your premiums by taking a few easy steps.
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